Black Sea

The northern Anatolian region along the Black Sea occupies 18% of the total area of Turkey with its 141.000 square kilometers (54.440 square miles) of land. This northern coastal region has a steep and rocky coast, and rivers cascade through gorges of the coastal ranges.

The Black Sea region in Turkey is a popular tourist destination that boasts a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. With cities like Trabzon, Samsun, Rize, Ordu, and Artvin, visitors can explore many distinct regions of the Black Sea coastline. The region’s cuisine, which includes popular dishes like Hamsi Pilavı, Kuymak, and Mıhlama, is also worth trying. In this article, we will provide you with detailed information on the Black Sea region of Turkey and its popular cities, cuisine, facts, and points of interest for tourists.

Cities in the Black Sea Region of Turkey Trabzon, Samsun, Rize, Ordu, and Artvin are some of the most popular cities in the Black Sea region of Turkey. These cities offer different experiences and are known for their unique history, culture, and natural beauty.

Facts About the Black Sea Region of Turkey The Black Sea region of Turkey is famous for its unique cuisine, such as Hamsi Pilavı, Kuymak, and Mıhlama. The region is also known for its tea production, with Rize being the center of tea production in Turkey. Furthermore, the Black Sea region of Turkey is home to many national parks, including the Kaçkar Mountains National Park and the Çoruh River Valley National Park. Trabzon is the largest city in the Black Sea region of Turkey, and its rich history is reflected in its many historical buildings and landmarks.

Black Sea

Cuisine of the Black Sea Region of Turkey The cuisine of the Black Sea region of Turkey is known for its unique flavors and ingredients that reflect the cultural heritage of the region. Popular dishes in the Black Sea region of Turkey include Hamsi Pilavı, Kuymak, Mıhlama, Laz Böreği, and Ordu Pidesi. These dishes are often served with salad, bread, or tea.

Points of Interest for Tourists in the Black Sea Region of Turkey The Black Sea region of Turkey is a popular destination for tourists who want to explore its stunning natural beauty, history, and culture. Some popular points of interest include Sumela Monastery, Uzungöl, Atatürk Mansion, Çayeli Bakır Müzesi, and Karagöl-Sahara National Park. Sumela Monastery, located in the Altındere Valley National Park, is a stunning 4th-century monastery known for its beautiful frescoes and architecture. Uzungöl, a picturesque lake located in the Trabzon province, is surrounded by lush forests and is a popular destination for tourists who want to enjoy the natural beauty of the Black Sea region. Atatürk Mansion, located in Trabzon, is a beautiful mansion built in the 19th century that now serves as a museum showcasing the history and culture of the region.

Conclusion In conclusion, the Black Sea region of Turkey offers a unique blend of history, culture, and natural beauty. Its cities, cuisine, facts, and points of interest make it an attractive destination for tourists who want to explore the Black Sea coastline. By trying unique dishes like Hamsi Pilavı, Kuymak, and Mıhlama, visitors can also taste the region’s distinctive cuisine. With its stunning natural parks, museums, and other attractions, the Black Sea region of Turkey is a great place for tourists to explore.

Other town to explore in the Black Sea Region:


General Information about the region:

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Airports in the region:

Ordu Unye Airport;

Unye Airport, whose construction started in 1986. The airport 1800 meters long and 30 meters wide runway could not be completed due to insufficient funds. In 1988, its use for 49 years was transferred to the Turkish Aeronautical Association (THK). Approximately 400 acres of airport land has been used by local residents for various purposes for years. Hazelnut producers also dry hazelnuts on the airport runway every year.

Ordu Gülyalı Airport;

Promised by Arif Hikmet Onat, the then Minister of Public Works, for the joint use of Ordu and Giresun provinces, 8 presidents, 25 prime ministers, 41 transport ministers and 34 ministers of public works in the past 50 years, the first plane landed in 2015.

Gümüşhane Köse Airport;

Köse Airport, whose construction started in 1990, could be completed in 1998 due to lack of funds. The airport, which was planned for small aircraft and built accordingly, could not be made suitable for passenger aircraft, although it was requested later. Up to now, Oltan Sungurlu, the Minister of National Defense of the time, and the airport used by small planes carrying journalists who photographed Gümüşhane from the air several times was saved from being an idle investment and opened to the use of Bayburt and Gümüşhane.

Gumushane – Bayburt airport;

Former Transport Minister Binalı Yıldırım promised to build an airport for the use of two provinces in the region. In 2012, politicians of the period announced projects related to the airport to be built in Köse.

Rize – Artvin Airport;

Sinop Airport;

Zonguldak Çaycuma Airport;

Places in Black Sea

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